Winter just won't let go this year. Snow flakes were drifting here and there on this Cinco de Mayo (Las armas nacionales se han cubierto de gloria!). But, as expected it was warm and snow-free inside the Euphoria Cafe. Duggy cleared up a mystery which has been keeping me up at night: Banff residents are officially known as Banffites. And Mary and Lorne and Kathy must jointly bear the responsibility for kicking off what may end up being a whole new era in The KlatschMeister's life: the era of the smoothy. Mary had one of Euphoria's smoothies (mango and lime, I think) and Lorne piped up and told everyone what he puts in his smoothies at home and then (after some serious grilling by the Klatschinator) Kathy coughed up some suggestions for smoothy ingredients. So, within 20 minutes of arriving back the Klatsch Kave, KlatschMan was sipping a delicious apple and granola smoothy. and granola! It was stupefyingly good. And, speaking of things which are stupefying, here's our pic in stupefying 3D...