Sometimes the KlatschMeister decides to get all "creative". On some of these ocassions he'll go outside and shoot a pick through the window of the Klatsch venue. This is his latest attempt. Being stereo, of course, there are two lenses to keep track of to make sure there are no reflections. This is the 2D pic from the lens that got very few reflections.

And here's the 3D shot where one half is pretty good and the other half has a wicked reflection. Oh well.

Here are the Krysaks. Big Walt has assumed a sphinx-like demeanor and Ginger is reading her tea leaves.

And here's the front side of the Klatschinator hoisting his cup o' joe. In the picture to the left are the hindquarters of a dog. The other end of the dog is looking at the Grand Canyon. Quite a day, all things considered. Quite a day.